On Winds at Poona


  • P. JAGANNATHAN Meteorological Office, Poona
  • U. S. DAS Meteorological Office, Poona
  • V. V. DATAR Meteorological Office, Poona




The diurnal and seasonal characteristics of wind at a height of 130 ft above ground at Poona have been studied on the basis of anemoagraphic  data collected during the period 1949 to 1958.

It is seen that a considerable part of the variation in the mean wind at any time is ascribable to variation due to the seasons and next in order comes the diurnal variation.


The periodic variation of the mean wind speed, the range of gust and the gustiness during the course of the day could to a fair degree of accuracy be represented by the first two harmonics, the first of period of 24 solar hours and the second 12 solar hours. The seasonal variation of the means, the amplitudes and phage angles of the diurnal and semi-diurnal waves have been studied.


To get an insight into, structure of the diurnal wind variation the 24-hour and 12-hour component oscillations have been separated out. The features of the hodograph ellipse during the different seasons have been discussed.




How to Cite

P. JAGANNATHAN, U. S. DAS, and V. V. DATAR, “On Winds at Poona”, MAUSAM, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 3–26, Jan. 1964.



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